Our Blog

Grilling Safety Tips

admin May 25, 2015

Invite your friends and neighbors! Fire up the grill! May is National Barbeque Month and there is no better time in the United States than warm spring and summer months! America has an amazing and rich grilling culture and many Americans…

Welcome, Spring 2015!

admin April 22, 2015

"The Phillips Feeling" When you step inside from frigid cold to welcoming warmth ... or from oppressive heat to refreshing central air ... or when you bite into that first grilled steak that lets you know spring has finally arrived: there’s a…

George “GT” Ward is a seasonal fuel delivery driver for Phillips Energy who believes in a “good day’s work,” and for nearly 15 years that’s what he’s been doing—working hard for Phillips customers. GT joined Phillips in 2000, delivering fuel to…

Did you know that the U.S. currently produces more oil than it has since 1970? Or that as much as 97 percent of all propane used in our country is produced in North America? Phillips Energy is proud to supply Middle Peninsula homes throughout…

Carroll Rilee knows Gloucester like the back of his hand. Carroll was raised in Gloucester County and now, as a fuel delivery driver for Phillips Energy, he’s able to deliver fuel to his neighbors and family throughout the county, as well as…

Thomas Edwards, We SALUTE You!

admin April 22, 2015

Thomas Edwards, We Salute You! Phillips Energy is honored to support and sponsor charitable groups in our community. But nothing makes us prouder than learning the details of our team’s efforts to put people first. This winter, just before the…